We at Osceola Garage believe it's important to keep our customers informed about the importance of regular vehicle maintenance. Follow these simple steps to help ensure top performance, avoid costly repairs, save money, and ultimately encourage vehicle longevity:
Check tire pressures.
Inspect the tire tread for abnormal wear.
Tires are one of the most expensive, most often replaced, and most neglected parts on a vehicle. Every so often, examine your tire treads. If you discover any signs of abnormal or excessive wear, have your tires inspected by the car care professionals at Osceola Garage. Properly aligned and balanced tires last longer, ride better and are critical to steering and braking.
Vehicle owners should aim to change the oil and filter as well as lubricate the chassis as recommended by their vehicle manufacturers, usually every 3,000-5,000 miles (about every 3-6 months), to ensure long engine life and optimal performance.
SMART TIP: Keep a notebook and log the date of each maintenance procedure taken by either yourself or your auto care professional. This will ensure timely maintenance and dually serve as a record for the history of care your vehicle has received.
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